the courage to do nothing
"So, what are you doing this weekend?" -well-meaning friend "I literally have nothing." -me "Good!! You can rest!" ...okay, that really does not excite me. Anyone who says this to me knows the health issues I've been dealing with that would merit a weekend of rest. The health problems that make for a lot of weekends of rest, a lot of empty lines in my planner... I'm *gradually* learning to not take such big bites of life and to just listen to His peace. And you know what, His peace said no to a second semester of college on top of dancing full time and working lots of hours a week. I didn't like that. "God, my education is important." Silence. "There's no way that this (rest) ... could be my education? Right, Lord?" More silence, but with one of those pure, playful smiles that only Jesus can pull off. So, where studying for the next CLEP test used to fill my insecure free time now it's a matter of diso...